Learn OCR
In today’s world, computer vision technology is embedded in many of our everyday products and this industry is evolving fast by constantly creating new solutions. This technology advancement has created the need...
In today’s world, computer vision technology is embedded in many of our everyday products and this industry is evolving fast by constantly creating new solutions. This technology advancement has created the need...
What is Tensor? In layman's terms, a tensor is a way of representing the data in deep learning. A tensor can be a 1-dimensional, a 2-dimensional, a 3-dimensional array, etc. You can...
In TensorFlow, every line of code that you write has to go through a computational graph. You'll find that when you're working with TensorFlow, constants, variables, and placeholders come handy to define...
Tesseract is the most popular open-source OCR engine in industry which is used widely during development of OCR projects. But installing it on Windows is a tedious task and you always run...
TensorFlow can help you build neural network models to automatically recognize images. These are typically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). There are two approaches to TensorFlow image recognition: - Classification—train the CNN to...
Introduction Text Detection is a major problem in optical character recognition (OCR) and there are various solutions attempted by different researchers. EAST is another attempt made for detection of Scenic Text detection...
Introduction Text Detection is a major problem in optical character recognition (OCR) and there are various solutions attempted by different researchers. Connectionist Text Proposal Network (CTPN) being most successful in detection of...
Computer vision is a mix of programming, modeling and mathematics and is sometimes difficult to grasp. Python is a language very commonly used for AI and machine learning, but it has some...
TensorFlow provides powerful tools for building, customizing and optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) used to classify and understand image data. An essential part of the CNN architecture is the pooling stage, in...
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